BNT: Animated GIFs in the Key of Lovely

Friday and I think I ought to lighten things up just a tad. Next week I’ll have lots of serious shit to post about health and nutrition and other amazing and scary things, so, for today, let’s have some fun.

In the style of Rachel Maddow, this is my “best new thing” submission for the internet as I’ve seen it of late. 🙂

If you’d asked internet experts back in 1999 what thing they figure would make a comeback in the next 10-15 years, you can bet that very few would have said, “hey, these animated GIF things are super rad!”

And yet…. here we are. They range from cheesy to cute, but WIRED just put together a nice little list of well-designed examples from the pros.

And for the art aficionados, we have another set which is a bit more subtle but still cool:

BNT (Best New Thing): Episode 1, Oh Myyy!

In the spirit of Rachel Maddow and countless other internet memes, I will occasionally post something I deem to be a super-neato thing I found out in the world. They’ll get tagged with “BNT” and “Best New Thing”.

Here goes with Episode 1:

George Takei has his own URL shortener domain (and primary book domain, too):

Oh, myyy!